Manatees and dolphin play in the waters near shore. Lots of birds and clear skies for night sky viewing. To live in the midst of this wonderland is the goal of these homes. And their owners. So how does one make such a life your reality, with nothing between you and that dream world? A half million does it very nicely.
So what does $500k do and prices near that?
And is now the time to do such an investment? Should you make the leap and attempt it, what would possibly deter any sensient being with the wherewithall? Some are nervous about the current economy and its shaky future, living in fear of the next Great Depression.
As for Depression Fears and inflation fears -- Real Estate Appreciates long term -- even Inflation Adjusted home values increased beyond inflation-masking nicely -- homes' real value grew solidly right through the Great Depression of the 30s, not dropping until the country went to war, and then recovering afterwards strongly. Real estate made a great investment vehicle carrying their owners safely through troubled times. As in every investment, your results may vary but you have a significant comparable period's performance to use as a standard.
Witness the annotated NYTimes graph of home values -- inflation adjusted -- with the latest Zillow real estate figures mapped on the end of the market bubble showing where we have now arrived at and why the bubble likely has little inflatedness, or nowhere but solid history to build on, where even The Great Depression's growth rate would make a decent future. Other areas in the U.S. did not come down as hard and fast as we did in Punta Gorda, Englewood, Port Charlotte and this area of the Suncoast -- or as far -- but we are now about well in line with our own past history before the gigantic upheaval swept the market in a frenzy. We are now settled nicely, just above our own foreclosure bargain levels. Our volatility compared to more staid markets in say Cincinnati and Dayton OH, is because such a great proportion of our housing stock was new-built in those frenzied years so we came down hard and farther than the average elsewhere in the U.S..
Here are the best of the available Englewood dream homes in the $400k to $500k range, which a client is presently considering. Enjoy his dilemma.
For those who're unfamiliar with our entertainment here, this Picks service is provided for Northern retirees and wanna-be-snowbirds-someday looking for waterfront homes or trying to get acclimated to the real estate market in Florida with its beautiful, healthy lifestyle. Biweekly is our timetable unless some of my clients are in town for personal attention.
To search ALL LISTINGS you're welcome to visit us at my online office's search facility. You'll be at ANorethernExposure's search-resources front door. Or for more details on a specific listing, jot down the MLS# and click its link to go to our Waterfront Featured Homes. If they haven't sold yet, they will be there, among the featured Picks. Some homes move very quickly.
On Griggs Rd in Englewood:
2367 sqft of home and pleasure is on the water, known as Eagle's Nest. It almost owns the beaches and nature-trails, details at my website under D576618
Currently listed at $525,000, million dollar houses don't likely last long at this price. Location is everything and this beauty is on saltwater, with nothing between it and the wide sea, no bridges, clear sailing. It's gorgeous inside and out. But it's $221/sf, not bad at all for such exquisite-ness.
On Downing St in Englewood:
2173 sqft of home and water wilds, unlike it's British namesake. It's also almost on the beaches and nature-trails, nestled with a few companion homes in the leafy wilds along a salt canal on the edge of the intra coastal waterway. Details at my website under D5769591
Currently listed at $495,000. Location may be everything but it would help the seller if their agent was decent enough to make the correction in the computer's estimation of where to put the marker on the crucial MLS mapping 'birdview' image. But he didn't, so we orange-x'd that mistaken marker and inserted an icon at the proper location on the relevant Picks image. Seller's agent ineptness -- or oversight -- might buy you a little more time to think about this home since many seekers will not see past the debilitating confusion on the MLS. On the other hand, at $495,000, this home's unit score is not an improvement on the Griggs home. But wait til you see the next gem.
On Georgia Ave in Englewood:
2639 sqft of home and spacious ease with privacy features, plus a low wind profile and wonderfully established tropical landscaping. It is so close to the wide open water, that the bay view is fabulous. details at my website under D5774456
Currently listed at $399,000, it won't likely last long since it's investment score is an amazing $152/sf. Location is also everything and it's got every bit of that.
Enjoy our dazzling client dilemma. See you next time.